Form 001vd - Sales And Use Tax License Application Voluntary Disclosure Page 4


12. Compliance with Law. The Company shall keep informed of and comply with all applicable federal,
state and local laws and regulations in the performance of this Agreement.
13. Entirety of Agreement. This Agreement, consisting of 2 pages represents the entire and integrated
Agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, and agreements,
whether written or oral.
14. Indemnification. The Company shall release, indemnify, and hold harmless the State, the Agency, and
their offices, agents, employees, successors and assignees from any cause of action, or claims or demands
arising out of Company's performance under this Agreement.
15. Sovereign Immunity. The State of Wyoming and the Agency do not waive sovereign immunity by
entering into this Agreement, and specifically retain immunity and all defenses available to them as
sovereigns pursuant to Wyoming Statute 1-30-104(a) and all other state law.
16. Titles Not Controlling. Titles of paragraphs are for reference only, and shall not be used to construe
the language of the Agreement.
17. Waiver. The waiver of any breach of any term or condition in this Agreement shall not be deemed a
waiver of any prior or subsequent breach.
By signing this Agreement, the parties certify that they have read and understood it, that they agree to be
bound by the terms of the Agreement, that they have the authority to sign it, and that they have received a
signed and dated copy of the Agreement.
The effective date of the Agreement is the date of the signature last affixed to this page.
Administrator, Excise Tax Division Date
Administrator, Excise Tax Audit Division, DOA Date
Authorized Company Representative Date
Revised: 2/1/07


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