Instructions For Form I-693 - Instructions For Report Of Medical Examination And Vaccination Record Page 9


A. Testing for Tuberculosis
All applicants two years of age and older require testing for tuberculosis (TB) with an initial screening test. Civil
surgeons may require an applicant younger than two years of age to undergo testing if there is evidence of contact
with a person known to have TB or other reasons to suspect TB. The physician may use either the tuberculin
skin test (TST) or an interferon gamma release assay (IGRA).
(1) TST given by the Mantoux technique: After the skin test, you will need to return to the civil surgeon within
48 to 72 hours to check the result. If you have a reaction of 4 millimeters or less, you will generally not need
any further tests for TB. If the reaction is 5 millimeters or more, you are required to have a chest X-ray. The
civil surgeon will explain the medical requirements to you in more detail.
(2) IGRA: Civil surgeons have the option to use an IGRA in place of the TST (see the update to the Technical
Instructions at ) You will not
have to return to the civil surgeon’s office to check the result. The result is generally available within 24
hours. If the test is negative or indeterminate, borderline, or equivocal, you generally will not need any
further tests for TB. In other cases, you may require further evaluation with a chest X-ray.
The CDC recognizes the following IGRAs for purposes of this immigration medical examination: the
QuantiFERON - TB Gold (QFT-G) test; the QuantiFERON - TB Gold in Tube (QFT-G IT) test; and
the T-Spot TB test. In the future, the CDC may recognize additional tests; if it does, it will publish the
information in its Technical Instructions at
instructions-civil-surgeons.html. Civil surgeons may use only tests listed in the materials published at this
link for this examination.
NOTE: The civil surgeon will explain the medical requirements and the suitability and availability of IGRA
testing to you in more detail.
B. Testing for Syphilis
All applicants 15 years of age and older must have a blood test for syphilis. Civil surgeons may require tests for
applicants under 15 years of age if there is reason to suspect the possibility of infection.
C. Testing for Gonorrhea
All applicants 15 years of age and older must be tested for gonorrhea. Civil surgeons may require tests for
applicants under 15 years of age if there is reason to suspect the possibility of infection.
2. Physical or Mental Disorders
This category of physical or mental disorders includes any diagnosis of substance-related disorders that involve any
substance that is not listed in Schedule I, II, III, IV, or V of section 202 of the Controlled Substances Act (for example,
diagnosis of an alcohol-related disorder). Mental disorders are diagnosed according to the diagnostic criteria in the
most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) or by another authoritative source as determined
by the CDC director. Physical disorders are diagnosed according to the diagnostic criteria in the most recent edition
of the World Health Organization’s Manual of the International Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes
of Death (ICD) or by another authoritative source as determined by the CDC director. See the CDC’s Technical
Instructions for more information.
The presence of a physical or mental disorder alone does not make you inadmissible on health-related grounds.
The civil surgeon must also determine that there is behavior associated with the disorder that is harmful to you, to
others, or to property. USCIS will only consider you inadmissible if there is a current associated harmful behavior or
a history of associated harmful behavior that is likely to recur.
The civil surgeon will ask you general questions during the medical examination to determine whether you have such
a condition. The civil surgeon may refer you to a specialist for further evaluation, if necessary.
If the civil surgeon finds that you have a physical or mental disorder with associated harmful behavior, you may apply
for a waiver. If the waiver is granted, you may be subject to terms, conditions, and controls as determined by USCIS
in consultation with HHS. For more information about these waivers, visit the USCIS website at
Form I-693 Instructions 10/19/17 N
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