Ibps Clerk Mains Exam Template With Answers Page 30


IBPS Clerk Mains : Part - 1
1. MSN
185. The combination of ALU and Control Unit
2. Mozilla
jointly known as
3. Chrome
1. Hard disk
4. Mosaic
2. Monitor
5. Internet explorer
3. CPU
4. UPS
191. Are we building the right product? This
5. Software
statement refers to
1. Verification
186. What is called, a concentric circle on a disk?
2. Validation
1. Sector
3. Testing
2. Track
4. Software quality assurance
3. Section
5. None of these
4. Arc
5. Directory
192. BCC in the internet refer to
1. Blind Carbon Copy
187. Which key launched the start button?
2. Black Carbon Copy
1. Windows
3. Blank Carbon Copy
2. Esc
4. Blue Carbon Copy
3. Shift
5. None of these
4. Function key
5. Num lock
193. Which of the following is the correct use of
Buffer or Block cashes?
188. A computer professional who writes and tests
1. Improve disk performance
software are called a
2. Handle interrupts
1. hardware consultant
3. Increase the capacity of main memory
2. librarian
4. Speed up main memory read operations
3. hardware consultant
5. None of these
4. computer operator
5. data entry operator
194. The principal electronic payment systems for
electronic commerce is
189. Which function key is used to refresh the
1. Credit card
current window?
2. Digital wallet
1. F1
3. Electronic cheque
2. F5
4. All of the above
3. F3
5. None of these
4. F6
5. F4
195. _______ allows wireless mobile device to access
the internet and its services such as the web and
190. Which of the following is the first graphical
web browser?
1. TCP
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