Ibps Clerk Exam Template With Answers Page 2


IBPS Clerk Pre (2016) – Model Paper 1
1) A
2) D
3) E
4) F
5) Either E or F
7. How many persons are there between B and D?
1) Two
2) Four
3) Three
4) One
5) None
Directions (Q.8-10) : Study the following information to answer the given questions:
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them
following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement. (All numbers in these
questions are two-digit numbers)
Input: 16 today 32 waiting 21 are 11 people 46 bus 66 long
Step I: 16 today 32 waiting 21 11 people 46 bus 66 long are
Step II: 16 today 32 waiting 21 people 46 bus 66 long 11 are
Step Ill: 16 today 32 waiting 21 people 46 66 long bus 11 are
Step IV: today 32 waiting 21 people 46 66 long 16 bus 11 are
Step V: today 32 waiting people 46 66 21 long 16 bus 11 are
Step VI: today 32 waiting 46 66 people 21 long 16 bus 11 are
Step VII: today waiting 46 66 32 people 21 long 16 bus 11 are
Step VIII: waiting 46 66 today 32 people 21 long 16 bus 11 are
Step IX: waiting 66 46 today 32 people 2110 fig 16 bus 11 are
Step X: 66 waiting 46 today 32 people 21 long 16 bus 11 are
Step X is the last Step of the arrangement of the above input as the intended arrangement is obtained.
Now, answer the questions based on the following input:
8. Which of these words /numbers would be fourth (from left side) in Step IV for the input?
1) me
2) 43
3) 81
4) wake
5) None of these
9. The following stands for which step of the rearrangement?
you wake 81 43 72 34 up me 23 go 13 before
1) Step IX
2) Step IV
3) Step VI
4) Step V
5) None of these
10. Which of the following would be Step II for the above input?
1) 23 you wake 81 me 43 72 34 up go 13 before
2) 23 you 13 wake 81 me 4372 go 34 up before
3) 23 you wake 81 me 43 72 go 34 up before 13
4) 23 you wake 81 me 43 72 go 34 up 13 before
5) None of these
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