Form G-281 - Notice Of Entry Of Appearance As Attorney In Matters Outside The Geographical Confines Of The United States Page 2

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I am associated with
Part 2. Notice of Appearance as Attorney
Admitted to Practice Outside the United States
the attorney of record who previously filed Form G-28I
in this case, and my appearance as an attorney is at his
or her request.
Mailing Address
NOTE: If you select this item, also complete Item
NOTE: Provide the mailing address of the applicant, petitioner,
Numbers 1.a. - 1.c.
or respondent. If the applicant, petitioner, or respondent has used
a safe mailing address on the application or petition being filed
with this Form G-28I, provide it in these spaces.
Part 4. Applicant, Petitioner, or Respondent
Street Number
and Name
Consent to Representation, Contact Information,
and Signature
City or Town
Consent to Representation and Release of
I have requested the representation of and consented to
11.e. Postal Code
being represented by the attorney named in Part 1. of this
form. According to the Privacy Act of 1974 and DHS
policy, I also consent to the disclosure to the named
attorney of any record pertaining to me that appears in
any system of records of USCIS, ICE, or CBP.
Part 3. Eligibility Information for Attorney
When you (the applicant, petitioner, requestor, or
respondent) are represented, DHS will send notices to
Select all applicable boxes.
both you and your attorney either through mail or
I am licensed and authorized to practice law in the
electronic delivery.
following countries. (If you need additional space,
DHS will also send the Form I-94, Arrival Departure
use Part 6.)
Record, to you unless you select Item Number 2.a. in
Licensing Authority
Part 4. All secure identity documents and Travel
Documents will be sent to you (the applicant, petitioner,
requestor, or respondent) unless you ask us to send those
Bar Number (if applicable)
documents to your attorney of record.
If you do not want to receive original notices or secure
identity documents directly, but would rather have such
I am in good standing in a court of general
notices and documents sent to your attorney of record,
jurisdiction in the following countries where I reside
please select all applicable boxes below:
and am engaged in the practice of law. (If you need
additional space, use Part 6.)
I request that DHS send any notice (including Form
I-94) on an application, petition, or request that I
have filed with DHS to the business address of my
attorney of record as listed in this form. I understand
1.d. I (choose one)
am not
that I may change this election at any future date
subject to any order of any court or administrative agency
through written notice to DHS.
disbarring, suspending, enjoining, restraining, or otherwise
restricting me in the practice of law. If you are subject to
any orders, explain in the space below. (If you need
additional space, use Part 6.)
Form G-28I 03/04/15 N
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