Well Child/immunization Schedule - Snellville Pediatrics


Well Child/Immunization Schedule*
Check-up Age
1 week old (2-4 days after hospital discharge
Hep B (if not given in the hospital)
1 month
Hep B (if given at least 4 weeks apart)
DTaP, Hib, IPV, (Pentacel 3 in 1 combo) Prevnar 13, Rotateq (Oral) and Hep B (if not given
2 months
at 1 month visit)
4 months
DTaP, Hib, IPV, (Pentacel 3 in 1 combo) Prevnar 13, Rotateq (Oral)
6 months
DTaP, Hib, IPV, (Pentacel 3 in 1 combo) Prevnar 13, Rotateq (Oral)
9 months
Hep B
12 months
15 months
DTaP, Hib, IPV, (Pentacel 3 in 1 combo) Prevnar 13, Rotateq (Oral)
18 months
DTaP, Hib, IPV, (Pentacel 3 in 1 combo) Prevnar 13, Rotateq (Oral)
Under 2 years
Hepatitis A (can now be given at 1 year of age)
2 years
Prevnar 13 Booster / Hep A (2nd dose, if needed)
The AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) recommends a 30 month check-up.
30 months
Immunizations to be determined at time of visit.
3 years
Prevnar 13 Booster (if needed) / / Hep A (2nd dose, if needed)
4 or 5 years
Prevnar 13 Booster (if needed) / Hep A (if needed), DTaP, MMR, IPV and Varivax
6 years and older
Any required Booster vaccines
9 years and older
11-12 years and older
Meningococcal , TDaP
11 years and every 5-10 years after
TDaP Booster
When recommended by your provider the following vaccines are available certain times of the year
Spring and summer
Meningococcal and TDaP Booster, when applicable
Fall and winter
Influenza and Pneumovax
* This is a typical immunization schedule. Due to many changes in immunizations, your child may not follow this exact timing for administration.


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