Problems of the Week
Construct a triangle on the
geoboard so that there is the
largest number of pegs
possible inside the triangle.
How many pegs are inside?
Materials: 1 stop watch
Have students sit in rows of 5.
• Begin with 1 row of students.
Feet on the Earth, Head in the Sky
• At the timer’s signal, the first student
A six-foot tall person walks around
stands up, waves his or her arms overhead
the earth. How much farther does the
and sits down. Then each student repeats
person’s head travel than the person’s
the wave. After the last student sits down,
the timer records the time in seconds.
• Repeat for 10, 15, 20 and 25 students.
From: Mathematical Challenges for the
• Graph the ordered pairs on a coordinate
Middle Grades, NCCTM, 1991, p. 24.
plane (x-axis = # of students; y-axis = time)
How long would it take 35 students to
complete the wave? 45 students? number of
students in the 8th grade at your school?
By what factor does the volume
increase if the radius and the
height of a cylinder are doubled?
How many ways are there in which Farmer
Brown can place his animals (a donkey, a cow, a
goat, a pig, a sheep and a horse) in two fields so
that at least one animal is in each field?
What Do You Say?
Explain how you would figure the surface
area of a cylinder.
Grade 8 • Page 55