State Capitals Quiz Geography Worksheet With Answers Page 4


d) Sacramento
29. What is the capital of New Hampshire?
a) Boston
b) Augusta
c) Montpelier
d) Concord
30. What is the capital of New Jersey?
a) Albany
b) Trenton
c) Annapolis
d) Boston
31. What is the capital of New Mexico?
a) Salt Lake City
b) Phoenix
c) Sante Fe
d) Sacramento
32. What is the capital of New York?
a) Augusta
b) Boston
c) Annapolis
d) Albany
33. What is the capital of North Carolina?
a) Atlanta
b) Raleigh
c) Columbia
d) Charleston
34. What is the capital of North Dakota?
a) Bismarck
b) Pierre
c) Lincoln
d) Charleston
35. What is the capital of Ohio?
a) Springfield
b) Indianpolis
c) Columbus
d) Harrisburg
36. What is the capital of Oklahoma?
a) Jefferson City
b) Indianapolis
c) Baton Rouge
d) Oklahoma City
37. What is the capital of Oregon?
a) Olympia
b) Boise
c) Carson City
d) Salem


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