High Blood Pressure (BP) – 12 point plan – What to do?
1. Firstly, take it seriously. Blood pressure (BP) is called the “silent killer”. It is the major cause
of heart attacks and strokes.
2. Secondly, invest in Blood Pressure Equipment
and take control of your condition. Your
average BP should be under 140/90 (140/80 for Diabetics) and ideally 120/80 or less.
3. The best information comes from measuring your BP twice a day. 2 readings each time. 2
minutes apart. Please do this for a week and take the average reading each time. Average
out the 14 readings and you get a reliable average blood pressure. Let your doctor have
those readings for their notes. Find a sheet below for filling out and returning to your doctor
/ nurse.
4. Ensure your BP is treated and be persistent in attending with your doctor or nurse to adjust
your medications until it is as low as described above.
5. Start exercising. Cardiovascular = sweat producing exercise. Three times a week for 45
minutes or 5 times a week for 30 minutes. And you will find your BP will drop by 10-15.
6. Should your BP get too low you may need to stop a medication. This would be the case if
you feel dizzy. Check your BP from time to time
7. Reduce Salt in your diet, do not use any additional salt and choose foods low in salt.
8. Try to loose weight. Slimming and a diet low in Cholesterol will further reduce your risks.
9. A Mediterranean diet is ideal. Talk to one of our nurses about a free slimming world referral.
10. Remove Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils = Trans fats from your diet. Check all the packs of any
pre-prepared food you buy. It’s in everything. From chocolate to Peanut butter to cakes to
Pasta Sauces. Cook from fresh. Don’t buy ready made products.
11. Stop smoking and drink sensibly. Help is available for both.
12. Stress is a huge risk factor for BP. Read about mindfulness. There are many books. Find the
one that suits you. One that may be useful is “Mindfulness – a practical guide” Finding peace
in a frantic world by Mark Williams and Danny Penman, but others are equally good and may
be more useful as there are different life situations for different people. Try to eliminate
stresses from your life if you can. Enjoy life more. Relax.
Dr M Kittel, 2017
Please be aware certain medications can also increase your blood pressure. They include e.g. steroids
like Prednisolone or Asthma inhalers, non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen and nasal
Arm monitors are thought to be more accurate than wrist monitors. Also ensure the cuff is not too small as
your BP will read too high or too small as your BP will read too low. Your pharmacist can advise.