Reference Checking: Pre-Employment Authorization and Release
All information provided by me in support of my application for employment is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge. I understand that misrepresentations or omissions may be cause for rejection or may be cause for
subsequent dismissal if I am hired.
I voluntarily and knowingly authorize any former employer, person, firm, corporation, organization, school, or government
agency, its officers, employees and agents, to release all information concerning my former employment, to this
prospective employer, its officers, employees and agents, or any other person or entity making a written oral request for
such information on behalf of this company.
I understand that the employment information may include, but is not
necessarily limited to performance evaluations and reports, job descriptions, disciplinary reports, letters of reprimand,
opinions, and public record information regarding my suitability for employment possessed by it. I recognize that a copy
of this authorization and release is as valid as the original and should be considered as such.
I voluntarily and knowingly, fully release and discharge, absolve, indemnify and hold harmless such former employer,
person, firm, corporation, school or government agency, its officers, employees and agents from any and all claims,
liability, demands, causes of action, damages, or costs, including attorney's fees, present or future, whether known or
unknown, anticipated or unanticipated, arising from or incident to the disclosure or release except for the malicious and
willful disclosure of derogatory facts concerning my employment made for the express purpose of preventing me from
obtaining employment which the officer, employee or agent disclosing such facts knows are untrue.
Candidate's Signature
Witness' Signature
Print Candidate's Name
For reference checking purposes only, complete the following information
: (please print)
1) May your CURRENT supervisor, and/or any references or individuals associated with your CURRENT employer
(including Human Resource department) be contacted?
No Specific Comments:
2) Provide Social Security Number, required to obtain academic verifications:
3) Provide any FORMER or ALTERNATE NAME(S) such as change of last name, and/or use of assumed last name or
nickname in order to locate your employment and/or school records.
4) Provide NAME, CITY & STATE, ALL phone numbers AND dates of attendance OR graduation from:
High School
Technical School
5) Note: Answer this question ONLY if instructed by the hiring employer. This information is required to conduct a criminal
record check. Date of Birth:
6) Note: Answer this question ONLY if instructed by the hiring employer. This information is required to conduct a driver’s
license check. Driver’s License Number: