Walt Disney World Packing List For Babies


Walt Disney World
Packing List for Babies
Clothing & Laundry
☐ Warm weather outfits - 3 per day
☐ Swim shirts (3)
☐ Onesies
☐ Sun hat (2)
☐ Pants
☐ Swim shoes
☐ Light sweaters - 3
☐ Costumes (if desired)
☐ Rain jacket with hood
☐ Hair accessories (if desired)
☐ Sleepers
☐ Leg warmers
☐ Sleepsacks
Tip - pack complete outfits in plastic bags.
☐ Light Blankets (2)
☐ Socks
☐ Shoes
☐ Laundry Detergent
☐ Swim Diapers
☐ Dish soap
☐ Swim Suits (3)
☐ Plastic bags for toiletries
☐ Diapers (bring some for travel, ship the rest) ☐ Nasal bulb or NoseFrida
☐ Wipes (bring 1 pack for travel, ship the rest) ☐ Cotton Swabs
☐ Diaper cream
☐ Mini first aid kit / Band-Aids
☐ Teething toys (if needed)
☐ Sunscreen (if child is old enough)
☐ Baby shampoo / wash
☐ Sunscreen Lip Balm (year round)
☐ Toothbrush
☐ Travel hand sanitizer (to go in park bag)
☐ Toothpaste (if you use it)
☐ Infant's tylenol / ibuprofen
☐ Hairbrush or Comb
☐ Medicines / prescriptions
☐ Baby lotion
☐ Syringes or other measuring device
☐ Baby nail clippers
Feeding Supplies
☐ Bottles and Nipples
☐ Baby utensils
☐ Breastfeeding supplies (if needed)
☐ Snacks appropriate for your baby (ship)
☐ Sippy cups
☐ Formula (ready-to-feed bottles, ship to hotel)
☐ Baby food (ship to hotel)
☐ Bibs
☐ Bowls or plates for feeding
☐ Burp cloths
☐ Diaper bag
☐ Pacifiers
☐ Baby carrier
☐ Baby monitor
☐ Stroller
☐ Special blanket / stuffed animal / lovey
☐ Snack tray for stroller (if available)
☐ Car seat (if needed for plane or rental car)
☐ Rings/strap to attach cup to stroller
☐ White noise machine
☐ Travel high chair
☐ Toys
☐ Rain cover for stroller
☐ Breathable sunshade for stroller
☐ Breathable stroller cover
☐ Refillable water bottle
☐ Stroller fans with clips
☐ Cooling towel (skip in cool season)
☐ Batteries
☐ Misting fan (skip in cool season)


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