How to Apply for Long Term Disability Conversion Insurance
Please follow these steps to apply for Conversion:
1. Complete the LTD Conversion Application provided in this package. Please answer
each question in full, sign, and date the application form. You do not have to supply
medical evidence of insurability to obtain the converted coverage.
2. The Employer must complete the Group Employer Questionnaire provided in this
package. Some companies will provide you with a Health and Insurance Plans
Conversion/Portability Notice which can be used in lieu of the Group Employer
3. Send your:
Completed Application for Long Term Disability Conversion Insurance; and
Group Employer Questionnaire Form or Health and Insurance Plans
Conversion/Portability Notice to:
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
FAX: 908-552-3979
MAIL - P.O. Box 30429 / Tampa, FL 33630-3429
PHONE - 1-800-929-1492, prompt 5
4. The Application and Questionnaire must be returned to our office within 31 days of
the date in which you are terminated, resign or are considered no longer within a
designated class.
The Conversion Privilege is available to you if:
1. If the Conversion Privilege is included within your employer's LTD plan underwritten
by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (“MetLife”).
2. If you have been insured for a designated length of time under the Conversion
Privilege provided in your employer's LTD plan underwritten by Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company (“MetLife”).
3. Your employment with your employer ends because you:
Resign; or
Are terminated; or
If you no longer reside within a designated class
The Conversion Privilege is not available to you if:
1. You retire;
2. You are disabled under the terms of the employer's LTD plan;
3. The Master Policy providing your LTD coverage terminates;
4. The Master Policy is amended to exclude the class of employee to which you belong;
5. You fail to pay the required contribution; or
6. If you become insured for long term disability coverage under another group plan
within 31 days after termination from your employer's plan.
How will you know if the application is approved or denied:
Once a decision has been reached, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company will promptly
notify you using the contact information provided in the LTD Conversion Application. If
approved, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company will notify you of the following:
1. The Effective Date of coverage;
2. The Benefit Amount;
3. The Elimination Period; and
4. The amount of the Quarterly Premium and any pro-rated amount due.