The Periodic Table Webquest Page 3


15. Click on Other Metals (left bar) and answer these questions.
a. How many elements are in this group? ______________
b. What are the group numbers? _________ through __________
c. How are these other metals similar to the transition metals? ______________
d. How are these metals different than the transition metals? ________________
e. List three physical properties of these other metals. _________________________
f. What are the oxidation numbers for this group? ______________________
16. Click on Metalloids to answer these questions.
a. On your periodic table, draw the black stair-step line that distinguishes metals from nonmetals.
b. Metalloids have properties of both ________ and _____________.
c. Define semiconductor ___________________________________.
d. Name two metalloids that are semi-conductors. ____________and __________.
e. This property makes metalloids useful in ____________and ______________.
17. Click in Nonmetals to answer these questions.
a. What are the group numbers? ___________ through ____________
b. List four characteristics of ALL nonmetals. ______________________________
c. What two states of matter do nonmetals exist in at room temperature?
d. The nonmetals have no _______________and do not ____________________.
e. What are the oxidation numbers of the nonmetals? _______________________
18. Click on the Halogens (left bar) to answer these questions.
a. What is the halogen group number? ___________________
b. Are halogens metals or nonmetals? ______________________
c. The term “halogen” means ____________________ and compounds containing halogens are
called ____________________.
d. How many electrons are in their outer shell? __________________
e. What is their oxidation number? ______________________


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