Guide To Persuasive Writing Activity Sheet Page 3


Part 2: Creating Your Own Editorial
You have seen examples of persuasive writing done in the form of an editorial and have written a
paper based on NOW content. Now it’s your turn to conceive and create and editorial of your own.
Follow the steps below to help your organize your thoughts before writing.
Step 1:
Select an appropriate topic about which you can form an opinion. Be sure to choose a topic you are
interested in and that can be researched so you can find facts and examples to support your opinions.
It’s best to choose a topic you already feel strongly about.
Step 2:
Utilize the NOW Online topic search feature available at
as well as other resources to gather research for
your editorial. Record specific facts, examples, quotes, etc. carefully on paper, noting relevant
information about the resource used. Pay attention to the information provided on the websites and
periodicals you use for your research to ensure that you are using reliable resources.
Step 3:
Make a list of arguments that support your opinion and those that contradict it. That way you will
be able to address differing points of view in your essay.
Step 4:
Develop your editorial. Pay particular attention to key information you will place in each part of the
editorial. Keep in mind your newspaper’s specific guidelines for publishing editorials. In the spaces
below, briefly summarize what you will include in each paragraph.
Part 1: State your opinion and develop a good opening “hook” to grab the reader’s interest
Part 2: Introduce arguments that support your opinion and document them with supporting
reasons, facts, examples, and details
Part 3: Address strong counterarguments to your point of view and rebut them using reasons, facts
and examples.
Part 4: Offer your specific suggestions for what can be done to deal with the topic you have chosen
for your editorial.
Part 5: Summarize your opinion and supporting arguments and leave the reader with a powerful
closing statement about why they should agree with your point of view


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