Second Grade Weekly Worksheet


Mrs. Obiedzenski’s Class News
Week of 7/20/15
News This Week:
Art donations- Mrs. Weisz, the art teacher, is in need of cardboard materials (cereal
boxes, toilet paper rolls, etc.) If you have any of these items please send them in with your
child. Thank you!
Volunteers- We would love to have you volunteer in our classroom and on field trips!
Volunteers need to reapply every year, beginning July 1. If you have not been approved
since 7/1/15 you’ll need to reapply. You are welcome to come in any time throughout
the school day and apply in the Media Center. Computers will also be available to apply
at Open House next week (7/30 @6-7).
Assessments- The first 2 weeks assessments are in your child’s Monday folder. As a
reminder, WCPSS uses standard-based grading (1-1 scale). Percentages, including 100%,
do not correlate to 1-4 grading (so a 100% does not always equal a 4). Level 4’s are given
on assessments when open-response opportunities are given. More information about
grading will be given at Open house next week.
Homework- 4
grade expectation is for HW to take approximately 50 minutes. I do not
collect HW. We go over HW together as a class and then it is put back in the HW folder to
go home. Please help your child to not hoard old HW’s in the folder 
HES Electronic Flyer Sign Up- See page 2 for details
Please feel free to call (919-562-6000) or email ( at any time
with questions or concerns you may have. I look forward to working with you this year!
Class Dojo Top 5:
1. Ben Taylor-- 66 points
Monday- Art (smocks)
2. Abby Ryan-- 65 points
Tuesday- Music (recorders)
3. Tayla Watkins-- 64 points
Wednesday- P.E.
4. Alex Manley-- 63 points
Thursday- Science
5. Ava Bertelli-- 62 points
Friday- Technology
We Will Be Learning:
July Birthdays:
Reading: We will make inferences & summarize
7/16- Landyn
text. We will also be making AR goals and begin
7/16- Stone
taking AR test on books completed.
7/18- James C.
Writing: We will read with a writer’s eye to find
7/24- Mrs. Obiedzenski
author’s writing strategies and “give it a go” in our
own writing (ex: show not tell).
Language: We will work on synonyms (lesson 2).
Important Dates:
Math: We will finish our unit on place value & take
the unit test Tuesday. Then, we’ll begin our addition
7/24- Happy @ HES—wear yellow!
& subtraction unit.
7/30- Open House @6-7pm
Science: We will build series & parallel circuits.
8/14- Happy @ HES—wear yellow!
8/14- Early Release @12:20
8/26- Picture day


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