Waiver And Release Of Liability Form Page 2


Complete this side only if under the age of 18.
Three Rivers Community College
Parental Authorization and Waiver/Release of Liability
I,_____________________, parent or legal guardian of _____________________, a minor child, hereby give
permission for my child to participate in activities conducted by Three Rivers Community College in connection
with Service Learning courses.
I certify that my child is physically, mentally and emotionally able to participate in the activity described above. In
consideration of being permitted to participate in the activity, I hereby voluntarily release Three Rivers Community
College and the Board of Trustees for the Community-Technical Colleges from any and all liability resulting from
or arising out of my child’s participation. I understand and agree that I am releasing not only the entities set forth
above, but also the officers, agents, and employees of those entities. I understand and agree that this Waiver/Release
will have the effect of releasing, discharging, waiving, and forever relinquishing any and all actions or causes of
action that I or my child may have or have had, whether past, present or future, whether known or unknown, and
whether anticipated or unanticipated by me or my child, arising out of participation in the activity.
I understand and agree that by signing this Parental Authorization and Waiver/Release of Liability, I am assuming
full responsibility for any and all risk of death or personal injury or property damage suffered by me and/or my
minor child while participating in the activity. I understand and agree that by signing this Parental Authorization
and Waiver/Release of Liability, I am agreeing to release, indemnify, and hold harmless Three Rivers Community
College and the Board of Trustees for the Community-Technical Colleges and their officers, agents, and employees
from any and all liability or costs, including attorney fees, associated with or arising from participation in the
activity. I understand that this Waiver/Release of Liability will be binding on me, my spouse, my heirs, my personal
representatives, my assigns, my children, and any guardian ad litem for said children.
I acknowledge that I have read this Parental Authorization and Waiver/Release of Liability and that I understand the
words and language in it. I also understand that this Parental Authorization and Waiver/Release of Liability is valid
for the duration of time that my child participates in the activity unless rescinded through my written instructions.
I am the parent or legal guardian of the minor,______________________________, and I am signing this Parental
Authorization and Waiver/Release of Liability on behalf of said minor.
Student’s Home Address:___________________________________________________
Street Address
Zip Code
Home Phone #:_( )________________
Student's date of birth: ______/______/______
Student ID #:___________________________
Student's School:______________________________________ Grade level:_________
Print Student Name: __________________________________
Signature of Student (Age 7 or older): ___________________________
Print Name of Parent/Guardian: _________________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian: _____________________________ Date:_____________


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