Before and Aftercare Program – Pre-K to 6th
Application Fee (Non-refundable $10.00)
Mother’s Name (First) _________________________________ (Last) ____________________________
Mother Email: _______________________________________ Cell Phone ________________________
Father’s Name (First) _______________________________ (Last) ______________________________
Father Email: _____________________________________ Cell Phone __________________________
Parent Address ______________________________ City ________________________ Zip __________
Child’s Name: ______________________________________________________ Age: ______________
School Name: _________________________________________ Pick-Up Time: ___________________
Child’s Name: ____________________________________________________ Age: _______________
School Name: _________________________________________ Pick-Up Time: ___________________
Please list each child that has any medical conditions & what the condition is:
List name of person(s) other than the parents who can pick up child from center in case of emergency
Name: _______________________________________________ Relationship: ____________________
Cell#: ________________________
Name: _______________________________________________ Relationship: _____________________
Cell#: ________________________
In the event of an emergency, every effort will be made to contact you immediately. If the parents cannot
be reached and medical care is necessary, we will call an ambulance to transport the child to Tri-Star
Skyline Hospital. We will not be responsible for any medical charges incurred.
I am aware that I am giving my consent to release my child to any of the above-mentioned contact persons
in case of emergency, if I cannot be reached. I hereby state that all information above is correct and
complete. I hereby release Nashville Christian Advancement Academy Before and After Care Camp from
any liability resulting from normal child play, and any further liability.
Parent Signature ____________________________________________ Date ___________________