Form Mv558 - Documents Needed To Obtain A Delaware Title And Registration For Your Vehicle

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Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin (Must be properly transferred to new owner.)
Out-of-state title (Must be in owner’s name or properly transferred to new owner. Out-of-state
titles must be notarized if stated notary seal required.)
If financing or leasing the vehicle, the owner or lessee must provide the mailing address of the
lienholder or leasing company.
Proof of liability insurance on the vehicle being titled. (This can be an insurance card verifying
liability, insurance policy or a letter from your insurance agent on his letterhead. Whatever is
presented must identify the vehicle, or the fact that all vehicles owned by the applicant are
properly insured.)
Vehicle must be presented for an inspection at one of our Division of Motor Vehicles inspection
This Application for Delaware for Title must be signed by the owner (or if the vehicle has co-
owners, all owners must sign.)
Application for Title in a company’s name must be signed by an officer of the company or an
individual signing for the company must have a power of attorney from the company authorizing
them to sign for the company.
Dealer’s Bill of Sale if purchased from a dealer.
Driver’s license or proper identification required.
Delaware titles must be completed with mileage, date of birth and driver’s license number.
Delaware title transfers must be signed by all applicants.
To transfer a Delaware Certificate of Title, the new owner must present valid proof of liability
insurance, or the license plate and registration card must be turned in at the time of transfer.
All Applications for Title for mobile homes must be accompanied by a county tax form. These
forms must be obtained from:
Sussex County
Kent County
New Castle County
Board of Assessments
Receiver of Taxes
Treasury Division
2 The Circle
County Admin. Bldg.
87 Read’s Way
Georgetown, DE 19947
555 Bay Road
Corporate Commons
(302) 855-7720
Dover, DE 19901
New Castle, DE 19720
(302) 744-2341
(302) 323-2600
DMV Title Specialist:
MV558 (2/00)
Doc No. 45-07-00-2-2


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