An interview evaluation form is presented to a prospective employee at any stage of his interview and
recruitment process. It is a document which assesses his or her suitability for the particular post applied
for. It must be comprehensive yet to the point so that it is easily understandable. The questions must be
relevant and the format of the form should encourage open and honest answers. The completed
evaluation form can be sued to select certain candidates who shall then move on to the next step of the
interview process.
Sample Interview Evaluation Form
Name of candidate: _________________________
Date of birth: _______________________________
Position applied for: __________________________
Please answer the following questions clearly and truthfully.
1. What made you choose to apply for a job with us? On what basis have you formed an opinion regarding
our company and the services we offer?
2. Please detail your work experience prior to this in the space below. Please be precise and to the point:
3. How would you describe your greatest assets that the company can make use of?
4. What are long term plans for your career?
5. How do you see yourself contributing to both your personal growth as well as the growth of our
6. What are your expectations from this job position? How do you think you will contribute to it?