Durable Power Of Attorney - New York Page 4


5. Remove Existing Attorneys-in-Fact
Complete this section ONLY if you want to remove one or more existing Attorney(s)-in-Fact
from your account(s). If you do not want to make any changes to your existing Attorneys-in-
Fact, skip to Section 6. If you are not appointing a new Attorney-in-Fact with this form, skip
to Section 8. No notary or witness is required.
Remove ALL existing Attorneys-in-Fact.
Check no more
than one.
Remove ONLY the following Attorney(s)-in-Fact:
6. Add an Attorney-in-Fact
Sections 6 and 7 must be completed by the Attorney-in-Fact.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR THE AGENT: When You accept the authority granted
under this Power of Attorney, a special legal relationship is created between You and the
principal. This relationship imposes on You legal responsibilities that continue until You resign
or the Power of Attorney is terminated or revoked. You must:
(1) act according to any instructions from the principal, or, where there are no instructions,
in the principal’s best interest; (2) avoid conflicts that would impair your ability to act in the
principal’s best interest; (3) keep the principal’s property separate and distinct from any assets
You own or control, unless otherwise permitted by law; (4) keep a record or all receipts,
payments, and transactions conducted for the principal; and (5) disclose your identity as an
agent whenever You act for the principal by writing or printing the principal’s name and sign-
ing your own name as “agent” in either of the following manners: (Principal’s Name) by (Your
Signature) as Agent, or (your signature) as Agent for (Principal’s Name). You may not use
the principal’s assets to benefit yourself or anyone else or make gifts to yourself or anyone
else unless the principal has specifically granted You that authority in this document, which
is either a Statutory Gifts Rider attached to a Statutory Short Form Power of Attorney or a
Non-Statutory Power of Attorney. If You have that authority, You must act according to any
instructions of the principal or, where there are no such instructions, in the principal’s best
interest. You may resign by giving written notice to the principal and to any co-agent, suc-
cessor agent, monitor if one has been named in this document, or the principal’s guardian if
one has been appointed. If there is anything about this document or your responsibilities that
You do not understand, You should seek legal advice. Liability of agent: The meaning of the
authority given to You is defined in New York’s General Obligations Law, Article 5, Title 15. If
it is found that You have violated the law or acted outside the authority granted to You in the
Power of Attorney, You may be liable under the law for your violation.
Be sure to provide your
First Name
Last Name
Social Security or Taxpayer ID Number
full legal name.
Date of Birth
Evening Phone
Daytime Phone
mm dd yyyy
Attorney-in-Fact continues on next page.
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