ROUTINE USES: The information you provide on this form
Paperwork Reduction Act
may be shared with other Federal, State, local, and foreign
government agencies and authorized organizations following
An agency may not conduct or sponsor an information
approved routine uses described in the associated published
collection, and a person is not required to respond to a
system of records notices [DHS-USCIS-007 - Benefits
collection of information unless it displays a currently valid
Information System and DHS-USCIS-001 - Alien File, Index,
OMB control number. The public reporting burden for this
and National File Tracking System of Records, which can be
collection of information is estimated at 6 hours and 15
found at The information may also be
minutes per response, including the time for reviewing
made available, as appropriate, for law enforcement purposes
instructions and completing and submitting the form. Send
or in the interest of national security.
comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect
of this collection of information, including suggestions for
reducing this burden, to: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
USCIS Compliance Review and Monitoring
Services, Regulatory Coordination Division, Office of Policy
and Strategy, 20 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC
By signing this form, you have stated under penalty of perjury
20529-2140; OMB No. 1615-0023. Do not mail your
(28 U.S.C. 1746) that all information and documentation
completed Form I-485 to this address.
submitted with this form is true and correct. You have also
authorized the release of any information from your records
that USCIS may need to determine eligibility for the benefit
you are seeking and consented to USCIS' verification of such
The Department of Homeland Security has the right to verify
any information you submit to establish eligibility for the
immigration benefit you are seeking at any time. USCIS' legal
right to verify this information is in 8 U.S.C. 1103, 1155,
1184, and 8 CFR Parts 103, 204, 205, and 214. To ensure
compliance with applicable laws and authorities, USCIS may
verify information before or after your case has been decided.
Agency verification methods may include, but are not limited
to: review of public records and information; contact via
written correspondence, the Internet, facsimile, or other
electronic transmission, or telephone; unannounced physical
site inspections of residences and locations of employment;
and interviews. Information obtained through verification will
be used to assess your compliance with the laws and to
determine your eligibility for the benefit sought.
Subject to the restrictions under 8 CFR Part 103.2(b)(16), you
will be provided an opportunity to address any adverse or
derogatory information that may result from a USCIS
compliance review, verification, or site visit after a formal
decision is made on your case or after the agency has initiated
an adverse action which may result in revocation or
termination of an approval.
Form I-485 Instructions 01/17/17 N Page 9