Ejb 2v0 Matrix


EJB 2.0 Matrix
Eileen Sauer
The following matrix shows:
2.0 additions:
Message driven beans and integration with JMS
Methods for those interfaces
CMP revised for entity beans, added container managed relationships
When they occur, under what conditions
Defined local interfaces and local home interfaces for session/entity beans
Related sections in the EJB 2.0 Final Release (8/14/01)
QL – declarative query language
Added select methods for internal use of entity beans with CMP
My gratitude to Gal Binyamini and Doug Bateman for their
Added support for business logic methods on home interface
invaluable feedback for this version of the EJB matrix.
Added declarative run-as security identity functionality for enterprise beans
Defined CORBA interoperability protocol
Remote Clients
Local Clients
Client of an SB or EB may be remote client or local client. Typically one or the other view will be provided. 4.2.1
ES: PFD1 had dependent objects; these local interfaces in PFD2 essentially replace dependent objects. More consistency, e.g. now create a graph of beans with same
interfaces, transactional/security/persistence behavior, etc. Issues: issues with semantic differences, best practices?
Access SBs or EBs through the remote interface and remote home interface 5.2
Collocated in the same JVM with the SB or EB 5.3
Location independent, Java RMI interfaces 5.2
Not location independent, access SBs or EBs through local interface and local
Args/results passed by value, protects against inadvertent modification, classes
home interface 5.3
decoupled from persistence layer 5.2, 5.4, 10.3.10
Args/results passed by reference, can manipulate large amount of data 5.3, 5.4
client types
Can be Java application, applet, servlet. Can be mapped to non-Java clients 5.2
May be another enterprise bean (SB, EB or MDB) 5.3
determining view
Loose coupling between client and bean, potentially expensive 5.4
Supports fine-grained component access 5.4
Requires javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow() instead of Java casts 5.4
Home/component interfaces, object identity, metadata interface, handle
Home/component interfaces, object identity
home interface
extends javax.ejb.EJBHome
extends javax.ejb.EJBLocalHome
home.createXXX() returns remote interface, unlike ejbCreate() 6.3.1
home.createXXX() returns local interface, unlike ejbCreate() 6.4.1
home lookup
Context ctx = new InitialContext();
Context ctx = new InitialContext();
cartHome cartHome = (CartHome)javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(
CartHome cartHome = (CartHome) ctx.lookup(“java:comp/env/ejb/cart”); 6.2.1
ctx.lookup(“java:comp/env/ejb/cart”), CartHome.class); 6.2.1
component interface
extends javax.ejb.EJBObject
extends javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject
Reference must not be passed out of the JVM in which it was created 6.7.2
Eileen Sauer, Volantec.biz
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