Prompts For Argumentative Writing Page 2


200 Prompts for Argumentative Writing
58. Are digital photographs too plentiful to be
89. Does pop culture deserve serious study?
Gender Issues
59. Do you worry we are filming too much?
60. Would you want a pair of Google’s computer
90. Do parents have different hopes and standards
for their sons than for their daughters?
61. How would you feel about a computer grading
91. Is school designed more for girls than boys?
your essays?
92. Is there too much pressure on girls to have
62. What role will robots play in our future?
‘perfect’ bodies?
63. How many text messages are too many?
93. How much pressure do boys face to have the
64. How much do you trust online reviews?
perfect body?
94. Do Photoshopped images make you feel bad
Arts and Media: TV, Music, Video Games and Literature
about your own looks?
65. Why do we like to watch rich people on TV and in
95. Is it O.K. for men and boys to comment on
the movies?
women and girls on the street?
66. Do TV shows like “16 and Pregnant” promote or
96. What should we do to fight sexual violence
discourage teenage pregnancy?
against young women?
67. Does TV capture the diversity of America yet?
97. How do you feel about Rihanna and Chris Brown
68. Is TV too white?
getting back together?
69. Is TV stronger than ever, or becoming obsolete?
98. Do fraternities promote misogyny?
70. Does reality TV promote dangerous stereotypes?
99. Why aren’t there more girls in leadership roles?
71. What current musicians do you think will stand
100. Why aren’t more girls choosing to pursue careers
the test of time?
in math and science?
72. What artists or bands of today are destined for
101. Should women be allowed to fight on the front
the rock and roll hall of fame?
lines alongside men?
73. What musician, actor or author should be a
102. Do you believe in equal rights for women and
superstar, but hasn’t quite made it yet?
74. Will musical training make you more successful?
103. Are women better at compromising and
75. Should video games be considered a sport?
76. Should stores sell violent video games to minors?
104. Do boys have less intense friendships than girls?
77. Can a video game be a work of art?
Sports and Athletics
78. Do violent video games make people more
violent in real life?
105. If football is so dangerous to players, should we
79. When should you feel guilty for killing zombies?
be watching it?
80. What game would you like to redesign?
106. Should parents let their children play football?
81. What were the best movies you saw in the past
107. Should college football players get paid?
108. When do pranks cross the line to become
82. To what writer would you award a prize?
83. Do you prefer your children’s book characters
109. Has baseball lost its cool?
obedient or contrary?
110. Are some youth sports too intense?
84. Where is the line between truth and fiction?
111. Is it offensive for sports teams to use Native
85. Can graffiti ever be considered art?
American names and mascots?
86. Do we need art in our lives?
112. Where should colleges and sports teams draw
87. What makes a good commercial?
the line in selling naming rights?
88. Why did a cheerios ad attract so many angry
113. Should colleges fund wellness programs instead
comments online?
of sports?


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