Long Distance Parenting Plan Page 16


All necessary information will accompany the child(ren) including:
▪ Medicine and dosage in its original packaging
▪ Homework assignments, school projects and directions
▪ Social activities with equipment
▪ Appointments
▪ Sleep/meal schedules
During all transportation exchanges neither parent shall display anger, sarcasm or profanity in the
presence of the child(ren).
Required child(ren)’s belongings will be provided to the other parent by the transporting parent.
The local parent shall ensure each child has adequate clothing and personal effects for the duration of
the visit with the away parent.
The away parent shall return each child clean, fed, with the clothes, personal effects and toys they took
with them.
√ Check all that apply
 In addition to the parents, the following person(s) may pick up or deliver a child:______________
 Either parent shall be permitted to take the child(ren) on vacation away from their usual residence.
 A written itinerary shall be provided to the other parent 30 days prior the trip or, if a
vacation is planned on short notice, as soon as the trip is planned.
 Neither parent shall be permitted to take the child(ren) out of the U.S.A. without the written
permission of the other parent or a court order.
√ Check only one
A. If Driving, Exchanges Shall Occur:
 The Away Parent shall pick up the child(ren) at the beginning of the visit and the Local Parent shall
pick up the child(ren) at the end of the visit. The exchange shall take place at the parents’ homes unless
otherwise agreed by the parents.
 The Away Parent shall pick up the child(ren) at the beginning of the visit and the Local Parent shall
pick up the child(ren) at the end of the visit. Unless otherwise agreed upon, the exchange shall take place
at the following location:_______________________________________________________________
 The parents shall meet at the following central location (e.g. exit 213 off I-75, police substation):___
 Other: ___________________________________________________________________________
 Neither parent shall be more than _____ minutes late without prior notice.
If the parties don't agree on an alternate exchange arrangement, the following plan shall be
followed: √ Check all that apply
 The inconvenienced parent will return home with the child(ren) to be picked up by the
tardy parent.
 The inconvenienced parent shall be entitled to an additional ____________ with the
child(ren) to be used with prior notice.
Basic LDPP
Page 8 of 24
Rev. 9/09/08


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