Amen Child/teen General Symptom Checklist Page 2


(_____) (_____) 23. periods of trembling, shaking or sweating
(_____) (_____) 24. periods of nausea, abdominal upset or choking
(_____) (_____) 25. intense fear of dying
(_____) (_____) 26. lacks confidence in abilities
(_____) (_____) 27. needs lots of reassurance
(_____) (_____) 28. needs to be perfect
(_____) (_____) 29. seems fearful and anxious
(_____) (_____) 30. seems shy or timid
(_____) (_____) 31. easily embarrassed
(_____) (_____) 32. sensitive to criticism
(_____) (_____) 33. bites fingernails or chews clothing
(_____) (_____) 34. persistent refusal to go to school
(_____) (_____) 35. excessive fear of interacting with other children or adults
(_____) (_____) 36. persistent, excessive fear (heights, closed spaces, specific animals, etc.)
please list: __________________________________________
(_____) (_____) 37. excessive anxiety concerning separation from home or person.
(_____) (_____) 38. recurrent bothersome thoughts, ideas or images which you try to ignore
(_____) (_____) 39. trouble getting "stuck" on certain thoughts, or having the same thought
over and over
(_____) (_____) 40. excessive or senseless worrying
(_____) (_____) 41. others complain that you worry too much or get "stuck" on thoughts
(_____) (_____) 42. compulsive behaviors that you must do or you feel very anxious, such as
excessive hand washing, cleaning, checking locks, or counting or spelling
(_____) (_____) 43. needing to have things done a certain way or you become very upset
(_____) (_____) 44. recurrent and upsetting thoughts of a past traumatic event (molest,
accident, fire, etc) please list: _______________________________
(_____) (_____) 45. recurrent distressing dreams of a past upsetting event
(_____) (_____) 46. feelings of reliving a past upsetting event
(_____) (_____) 47. spend effort avoiding thoughts or feelings related to a past trauma
(_____) (_____) 48. feeling that your future is shortened
(_____) (_____) 49. startle easily
(_____) (_____) 50. feel like you're always watching for bad things to happen
(_____) (_____) 51. refusal to maintain body weight above healthy levels.


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