Instructions To Va Form 4107, Your Rights To Appeal Our Decision Page 2


A private attorney or an "agent" can also represent you. VA only recognizes attorneys who are
licensed to practice in the United States or in one of its territories or possessions. Your local bar
association may be able to refer you to an attorney with experience in veterans' law. An agent is a
person who is not a lawyer, but who VA recognizes as being knowledgeable about veterans' law.
Contact us if you would like to know if there is a VA accredited agent in your area.
Do I have to pay someone to help me with my appeal? It depends on who helps you. The following
explains the differences.
Veterans Service Organizations will represent you for free.
Attorneys or agents can charge you for helping you under some circumstances. Paying their fees for
helping you with your appeal is your responsibility. If you do hire an attorney or agent to represent
you, one of you must send a copy of any fee agreement to the following address within 30 days from
the date the agreement is executed: Office of the General Counsel (022D), 810 Vermont Avenue,
NW, Washington, DC 20420. See 38 C.F.R. 14.636(g). If the fee agreement provides for the direct
payment of fees out of past-due benefits, a copy of the agreement must also be filed with us at the
address included on our decision notice letter. See 38 C.F.R. 14.636(h)(4).
You can send us more evidence to support a claim whether or not you choose to appeal.
NOTE: Please direct all new evidence to the address included on our decision notice letter. You should not
send evidence directly to the Board at this time. You should only send evidence to the Board if you decide
to complete an appeal and, then, you should only send evidence to the Board after you receive written
notice from the Board that they received your appeal.
If you have more evidence to support a claim, it is in your best interest to give us that evidence as soon as you
can. We will consider your evidence and let you know whether it changes our decision. Please keep in mind
that we can only consider new evidence that: (1) we have not already seen and (2) relates to your claim. You
may give us this evidence either in writing or at a personal hearing with your local VA office.
In writing. To support your claim, you may send documents and written statements to us at the address
included on our decision notice letter. Tell us in a letter how these documents and statements should change
our earlier decision.
At a personal hearing. You may request a hearing with an employee at your local VA office at any time,
whether or not you choose to appeal. We do not require you to have a local hearing. It is your choice. At this
hearing, you may speak, bring witnesses to speak on your behalf, and hand us written evidence. If you want a
local hearing, send us a letter asking for a local hearing. Use the address included on our decision notice
letter. We will then:
Arrange a time and place for the hearing
Provide a room for the hearing
Assign someone to hear your evidence
Make a written record of the hearing
We will review any new evidence, including the record of the local hearing, if you choose to have one,
together with the evidence we already have. We will then decide if we can grant your claim. If we cannot
grant your claim and you complete an appeal, we will send the new evidence and the record of any local
hearing to the Board.
BACK OF VA FORM 4107, JUN 2015


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