Family Life Merit Badge Workbook Template Page 3


Family Life p. 3
Merit Badge Workbook
Scout’s Name: ________________________
4. With the approval of your parents or guardians ___________________________________________________________
and your merit badge counselor, _________________________________________________________________________
decide on and carry out a project that you would do around the home that would benefit your family. _______________
Submit a report to your merit badge counselor outlining how the project benefited your family. _____________________
5. Plan and carry out a project that involves the participation of your family. After completing the project, discuss the
following with your merit badge counselor:
a. The objective or goal of the project ________________________________________________________________________
b. How individual members of your family participated ___________________________________________________________
c. The results of the project ________________________________________________________________________________
6. Do the following:
a. Discuss with your merit badge counselor how to plan and carry out a family meeting. ________________________________
b. After this discussion, plan and carry out a family meeting to include the following subjects:
1. Avoiding substance abuse, including tobacco, _______________________________________________________________
alcohol, _______________________________________________________________________________________________
and drugs, _____________________________________________________________________________________________
all of which negatively affect your health and well-being __________________________________________________________
2. Understanding the growing-up process and how the body changes, and making responsible decisions dealing with sex _____


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