Legacy Gift Notification Form - Pi Beta Phi Foundation


Legacy Gift Notification Form
I confirm that I have provided the following bequest gift for Pi Beta Phi Foundation effective
___________ (date of trust/gift agreement/beneficiary form). This commitment is made in
support of Pi Beta Phi Foundation’s values of integrity, philanthropic passion, fraternal and
community commitment, and trustworthy stewardship.
Gift Detail:
I am making the following gift(s) through my estate plan:
Specific Cash Bequest:
❑ Cash gift of $__________.
❑ Percentage of estate gift, estimated current fair market value of $__________.
❑ Residual interest in estate gift, estimated current fair market value of $__________.
Specific Asset(s):
❑ Life Insurance policy gift, estimated current fair market value of $__________.
❑ IRA account gift, estimated current fair market value of $__________.
❑ Payable on Death gift (bank account, CD), estimated current fair market value of $__________.
❑ Other Asset gift:_________________________________ (describe asset), estimated
current fair market value of $__________.
❑ Charitable Trust gift: ____% of the charitable remainder trust, estimated current fair market
value of $__________.
I understand I have the option of satisfying this gift intention in part or in full by making payments
or other irrevocable gifts during my lifetime. I will clearly designate such payments as satisfying this
gift intention in order to distinguish them from other gifts I may make during my lifetime.
If unforeseen circumstances require any change in this bequest commitment, I agree to notify
Pi Beta Phi Foundation of such a change and its effective date.
I understand there are minimum gift levels for establishing named and/or permanently endowed
funds; unless otherwise indicated by separate agreement, my gift will be restricted to the purpose I
have indicated under Gift Designation (next page) and may be expended or added to an affiliated
endowment at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.
Please see reverse to complete this form.


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