Form 1112 - Register Of Wills Page 2

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8. I have made a diligent search for the decedent's will and to the best of my knowledge:
none exists; or
the will dated
(including codicils, if any, dated
accompanying this petition is the last will and it came into my hands in the following manner:
and the names and last known addresses of the witnesses are:
9. Other proceedings, known to petitioner, regarding the decedent or the estate are as follows:
10. If appointed, I accept the duties of the office of personal representative and consent to personal jurisdiction in any
action brought in this State against me as personal representative or arising out of the duties of the office of
personal representative.
WHEREFORE, I request appointment as personal representative of the decedent's estate and the following relief as
that the will and codicils, if any, be admitted to administrative probate;
that the will and codicils, if any, be admitted to judicial probate;
that the will and codicils, if any, be filed only;
that only a limited order be issued;
that the following additional relief be granted:
I solemnly affirm under the penalties of perjury that the contents of the foregoing document are true to the best of my
knowledge, information and belief.
Telephone Number
Telephone Number (optional)
Facsimile Number
E-mail Address
Regular Estate - RW1112
Page 2 of 2 with Schedule A (RW1136)
Small Estate - RW1103
Page 2 of 2 with Schedule B (RW1137)
Will of No Estate - RW1135
Page 2 of 2
Limited Order - RW1147
Page 2 of 2 with Schedule C (RW1148)
Rev. 05/01/2013
5/2013 - PDF


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