B. I/We understand and agree that Immediate, emergency medical attention may be required if Rider
is injured while on the premises of THIS STABLE. If the Rider is minor, while THIS STABLE
will endeavor to Immediately contact the Rider’s parents/guardians, in most cases THIS STABLE
will deem it prudent to take immediate action, either to call an ambulance or bring the Rider to a
nearby emergency room. Recognizing that the employees, instructors and owners of THIS
STABLE are not licensed medical caregivers and are not capable of diagnosing a medical
condition not clearly evident, however I/WE Agree not to hold THIS STABLE responsible for
failure to seek medical attention for a Rider. I/WE hereby give advance consent to THIS
STABLE to take such action of THIS STABLE deems it in the best interest of the Rider to do so.
I/WE further consent to any x-ray examination, anesthetic, medical, or surgical diagnosis or
treatment or hospital service that may be suggested under the general of specific instructions of
any hospital physician or emergency attendant. It is understood that this consent is given in
advance of any specific diagnosis or treatment that may be required, but is given to encourage
THIS STABLE and such medical caregivers to exercise their best judgment. I/WE shall pay all
fees for physicians, hospitals, ambulances and other medical charges responsible and necessarily
incurred. This consent shall be in full force and effect until the rider of the Rider’s parents or
guardians withdraw it, in writing.
C. I/WE understand that should medical attention be required, the information listed below will be
provided to the attending hospital or clinic, physician, or emergency services to cover incurred
bills for services rendered. I/WE agree to immediately advise THIS STABLE should the medical
coverage listed below change.
I/WE Currently have insurance in force: YES_____________ NO_________________
Name of Insurance Company: _______________________________________________
Policy Number: __________________________________________________________
A. I/WE understand that horseback riding is classified as a rugged adventure recreational sport
activity and that there are inherent risks always present despite the use of reasonable safety
precautions. I/WE understand these risks and fully accept these risks, some, but not all of which,
are detailed as follows:
1. THIS STABLE chooses its horses carefully. THIS STABLE looks for docile personalities in
its school horses for the basic training required for use by amateur riders, and it follows an
established safety program. More advanced riders may have the opportunity to ride horses
that may not be as docile as the horses used for beginner riders. I/WE agree that should we
choose to ride such horses, the risks may be increased and THIS STABLE is not responsible
for any injury the Rider may suffer as a result.
2. I/WE acknowledge that it is not possible for any person or establishment to predict the exact
behavior of a horse. Horses are easily frightened and they can react when angry, energetic or