Mail request to:
Utah Office of the Medical Examiner
4451 South 2700 West
Taylorsville, Utah 84129
DNA Testing Request Form*
Name of the Deceased: ________________________________________
DOB: _____________________
OME Case Number (if known):__________________________________
This instrument authorizes you to furnish and release to:
Testing facility: ______________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________
City, State, Zip Code: __________________________________________
DNA samples for the purpose of establishing paternity.
Other: _______________________________________________________________
Person authorizing request: _____________________________________
Statutory relationship to the deceased
per UCA 24-6-7(3)
Signature of Authorizing Person: _________________________________
Date (within 90 days of request):_________________________________
STATE OF [State]
COUNTY OF [County]
Subscribed and sworn before me this ____ day of _____________, 20___.
My Commission Expires: ______________
* A $25 dollar processing fee must accompany request. Make checks payable to
the Utah Medical Examiner’s Office.
The records maintained by the Office of the Medical Examiner are classified confidential and any release shall be consistent with the
provisions of Utah Code Ann. § 26-4-17(3) and (4) (2004) and Utah Admin. Rule R448-20-4 2000. [rev. 11/2009]
Forms must have original signatures. No photocopies or faxes accepted.