1 Name of organization
Employer identification number
Republican Attorneys General Association
46 - 4501717
2 Mailing address (P.O. box or number, street, and room or suite number)
P.O. Box 7816
City or town, state, and ZIP code
Washington, DC 20044 -
3 Check applicable box:
Initial notice
Amended notice
Final notice
4a Date established
4b Date of material change
5 E-mail address of organization
6a Name of custodian of records
6b Custodian's address
Michael G. Adams
801 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Suite 610
Washington, DC 20004 -
7a Name of contact person
7b Contact person's address
Jessica Medeiros Garrison
1201 F St. NW Suite 675
Washington, DC 20004 -
8 Business address of organization (if different from mailing address shown above). Number, street, and room or suite number
1201 F St. NW Suite 675
City or town, state, and ZIP code
Washington, DC 20004 -
9a Election authority
9b Election authority identification number
10a Is this organization claiming exemption from filing Form 8872, Political Organization Report of Contributions and Expenditures, as a
qualified state or local political organization? Yes
10b If 'Yes,' list the state where the organization files reports:
Is this organization claiming exemption from filing Form 990 (or 990-EZ), Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax, as a caucus or
associations of state or local officials? Yes