Parent Brag Sheet


Parent Brag Sheet
College Recommendation
Name of Student ____________________________
Parent Signature _________________________ Date _______________________________
1. What do you consider to be your son/daughter’s most noteworthy accomplishments during the past
three or four years?
2. In what areas has your son/daughter shown the most growth and development?
3. What are his/her positive personality traits? (integrity, independence, empathy, etc.)
4. Are there any unusual or personal circumstances that have affected your son/daughter’s educational or
personal experiences? Is high school an accurate measure of his/her ability?
5. Are there any additional comments that would help present your son/daughter more fully and positively
to potential schools or employers?
6. What characteristics are of particular interest to you in finding a college for your son/daughter?
7. Are there any limitations you wish to disclose in selecting a college? (location, size, cost, philosophy)
8. Please list the names of any colleges to which you are going to encourage your son/daughter to apply.
9. Please help me to understand any expectations you might have throughout the college process, and
how I can be most beneficial to you.
10. If you wish to be contacted via email concerning college-related matters, please provide an address.


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