Student Resume Advice Page 8


…are a good listener and help your
I can understand many different points of
friends work through their problems and
view and have excellent problem-solving
make important decisions
...always hand your assignments in on
I have excellent time management skills
time and never keep people waiting
and always consider others
…have babysitting experience and have
I am trustworthy and appreciate the
been given a lot of responsibility at home
importance of responsibility
…like to make a personal statement with
I am innovative, dynamic, and confident,
your fashion and style and like your
am original and take initiative in the things
room and work hard to ensure that its
I do
design reflects your personality
…enjoy camping and wilderness
I am adaptable and self sufficient
…keep your personal possessions tidy
I am orderly, methodical and have strong
and organized with systems that you
organizational skills
…always give others your full
I am attentive and understand the
concentration when they are speaking to
importance of listening
…participate in volunteer work
I believe it is important to contribute to the
community as well as develop my own
…are athletic and focus a lot of time and
I am very task oriented, and focused, am a
effort on sports or training and enjoy
team player, work well with others, also
sports and team clubs
demonstrated leadership skills
…excel at math and feel comfortable
I am precise and analytical
working with numbers
…enjoy playing fast paced, exciting
I am observant, react quickly and work
games like laser tag or video games
well under pressure
…believe in committing your enthusiasm
I have a positive attitude and am eager to
and energy to everything you do
take on new experiences
…believe that practice makes perfect, for
I am persistent, determined, motivated,
everything from sports and school
and goal oriented
…like to completely finish what you start,
I focus well on my tasks and get a lot of
whether playing a game or completing a
satisfaction out of completing them well
school assignment
…enjoy sharing your personal
I communicate well and am able to
experiences and ideas with others
interact well with others
…make mistakes, you admit it and look
I take responsibility for my actions and am
for a solution
…get good grades and participate in
I manage my time well and can
school activities
concentrate with others
…borrow things, whether your parent’s
I am responsible and considerate
cell or friends CD. You always return
them on time and in good condition
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