12 Month Old Baby Schedule


12 Month Old Handout
Family Support
Now that your child is more mobile, she may test her independence and your patience.
Use non-physical forms for discipline such as distracting your child during bad behavior, using
short time outs (1 minute), removing your child from the situation, or hugging. Try not to hit,
spank, or yell at your child.
Every child has tantrums – try to react in a calm and understanding manner, and not with anger.
Avoid situations that lead to tantrums such as hunger and fatigue.
Keep rules for your child short and simple.
Praise your child for good behavior.
Remember that discipline is the teaching of rules and the setting of limits, not punishment.
Play with and read to your child often.
Make sure everyone who cares for your child gives healthy foods, avoids sweets, and uses the
same rules for discipline.
Make sure places your child stays are safe.
Think about joining a toddler playgroup or taking a parenting class.
Take time for yourself and your partner.
Keep in contact with family and friends.
Establishing Routines
Your child should have at least one nap. Space it to make sure your child is tired for bed.
Make the hour before bedtime loving and calm.
Have a simple bedtime routine that includes a book.
Avoid having your child watch TV and videos, and never watch anything scary.
Be aware that fear of strangers is normal and peaks at this age.
Respect your child’s fears and have strangers approach slowly.
Avoid watching TV during family time.
Start family traditions such as reading or going for a walk together.
Feeding Your Child
By this age, your child may have tripled her birth weight.
As this period of rapid growth slows down markedly, appetites also diminish.
Continue to add more table foods, but expect your child to eat only small portions.
Have your child eat during family mealtime.
Be patient with your child as she learns to eat without help.
Encourage your child to feed herself.
Give 3 meals and 2–3 snacks spaced evenly over the day to avoid tantrums.
Make sure caregivers follow the same ideas and routines for feeding.
Use a small plate and cup for eating and drinking.
Provide healthy foods for meals and snacks.
Let your child decide what and how much to eat.
End the feeding when the child stops eating.
Avoid small, hard foods that can cause choking—nuts, popcorn, raisins, and hard, raw veggies.


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