You may obtain your criminal history from the local law enforcement agency. Most Sheriffs’ Offices offer this service
for a fee. Those applicants residing out of state can contact their local FBI office for a national criminal check.
To obtain certified disposition documents, contact the Clerk of Court in the county of conviction. Dispositions on
misdemeanor offenses are only required for Pardon exceptions as noted in Section 4. You are not required to provide
dispositions older than 15 years unless you need your rights restored for that offense.
No attorney is necessary for this process.
Section 1: Restoration of Civil and Political Rights
This restores a person’s civil rights which are lost in Georgia at the time of conviction. These include the right to run for and hold public
office, to serve on a jury, and to serve as a Notary Public. The right to vote is automatically restored upon completion of your sentence(s)
therefore you need not submit an application.
You must have completed all sentence(s) within two (2) years prior to applying.
You must have lived a law-abiding life during the two (2) years prior to applying.
Section 2: Pardon (State of Georgia convictions only):
This is an order of official forgiveness and is granted to those individuals who have maintained a good reputation in their community
following the completion of their sentence(s). A Pardon is an official statement attached to the criminal record that states that the State of
Georgia has pardoned the crime. It does not expunge, remove or erase the crime from your record. It may serve as a means for a
petitioner to advance in employment or education.
• A Pardon will also restore your civil and political rights.
• You must have completed all sentence(s) at least five (5) years prior to applying.
• You must have lived a law-abiding life during the five (5) years prior to applying.
• You cannot have any pending charges.
• All fines and restitution must be paid in full.
Section 3: Restoration of Right to Receive, Possess or Transport in Commerce a Firearm
You must be eligible for a Pardon or Restoration of Civil and Political Rights.
A Restoration of Firearm Rights for Georgia convictions will be issued in conjunction with a Pardon.
A Restoration of Firearm Rights for out of state offenses will be issued in conjunction with a Restoration of Civil and Political
You must submit three (3) letters of reference from citizens of unquestionable integrity, excluding family (signed and dated).
You cannot be granted for any offense in which a firearm was used or possessed.
You must have completed all sentence(s) and lived a law-abiding life for five (5) years after completing your sentence(s).
All fines and restitution must be paid in full.
A personal interview will be required with a SBPP staff member. Photo identification (photo) must be provided at the time of the
interview. This also includes applicants who reside out of state.
Section 4: Exception for Pardon or Restoration of Civil and Political Rights
Individuals may request a waiver of the two (2) and five (5) year eligibility requirement if the waiting period is shown to delay qualification
for employment in one's chosen profession. Additionally, some individuals may require a Pardon for misdemeanor convictions. In such
instances, you must provide documentation to verify the specific situation.
Adoption / Custody / Foster Care/ Daycare ( copies of court documents)
Section VIII (8) Housing (application).
(Note: Federal law may prohibit some drug offenders and sex offenders from being
admitted into public housing.)
Truck driver into Canada (letter from employer)
Education (supporting documents)
Employment (supporting documents)
Immigration (proof of deportation status and proof of legal, permanent residency)
Revision Date – June 2013