Published Abstracts
Dough, J., & Smith, J.D. (2007). The effect of biofeedback on autonomic tone in patients with
NYHA IV heart failure. Journal of Cardiac Failure, 14(4), S105.
Educational Presentations
All educational presentations that you present including title of presentation, type of
presentation (poster, paper, etc.), program title, organization sponsoring program, dates,
location and indicate whether peer reviewed (may use an *). Can place in table format as with
Research Presentation (see above).
Editorial Service
Manuscript reviewer – include years you have provided this service and name of each journal;
Editorial board membership – include years of appointment; Book reviewer – title of book and
publisher, year of review
Professional Memberships
Membership in professional organizations including years of membership
Professional Service
Offices held in professional organizations; Abstract reviewer for programs or organizations
including the organization title, the program title and the year; Grant reviewer including the
organization(s), dates of review, study section name and number when applicable; Professional
service appointments including organization and dates of appointment; Scholarship reviews for
organizations including organization name and dates; Professional Board membership including
dates of service; Can place in table format, example:
Service provided, organization served
January, 2007
Abstract reviewer, 18th International Nursing Research Congress Focusing on
Evidence Based Practice, Sigma Theta Tau, International (11 – 14 July 2007).
Academic Service
Courses taught, credit hours of each course and date, can place in table format, example:
Quarter or Semester,
Course title and number, credit hours
Autumn, 2007
Nursing 850, Advanced Research Methods. 5 credit
Academic Service
Committee service including role (member, chair), dates of service, name of committee. Task
Force membership, role and dates of service. Student committee work including type of