Form Np 50 - Not-For-Profit Corporation Annual Report Page 2


Please answer question 9 if the corporation issues stock. Answer question 10 if the corporation instead has members.
9. Total number of shares of capital stock issued: ____________________
10. Total number of members: ____________________
11. Federal Employer ID Number (FEIN): _________________________________
12. Does this corporation hold more than 50% equity ownership in any other business entity that is filed with the Kansas Secretary of
YES ____ Complete the lines below.
NO ____ Skip to question 13.
Please provide the name of the business(es) exactly as filed with the Kansas Secretary of State and include the Business Entity ID
Number(s) assigned by the Secretary of State (this is not the Federal Employer ID Number (FEIN)).
Business Entity Name:
Business Entity ID Number:
If additional entities exist, please provide an attachment.
13. Does the corporation own or lease land in Kansas that is suitable for use in agriculture? This question does not apply to: 1) Tracts
of land of fewer than 10 acres; 2) Contiguous tracts of land that are fewer than 10 acres in aggregate; 3) State-assessed railroad
operating property.
YES ____ Complete attachment AG
NO ____
14. I declare under penalty of perjury pursuant to the laws of the state of Kansas that the foregoing is true and correct and that I
have remitted the required fee. (Do not leave blank.)
Executed on the ________ of __________________, _____________.
Signature of authorized officer
Name of signer (printed or typed)
Phone number
K.S.A. 17-7504
Rev. 1/1/07 nr


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