Small Claims Subpoena Form - Salt Lake City Justice Court Page 3

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333 SOUTH 200 EAST, PO BOX 145499, SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111-5499
Phone: 801-535-6301 / Fax: 801-535-6302
Street Address__________________________________________
City, State, ZIP_________________________________________
Street Address__________________________________________
Case No._________________________
City, State, ZIP_________________________________________
Instructions: URCP 45 limits the grounds for an objection. For each of the grounds other than (2) or (3) please provide a full explanation.
Attach additional sheets as necessary.
I have been served with a subpoena in this case, and I object because the subpoena:
Fails to allow me a reasonable time in which to comply. ________________________________________________
Requires me, a resident of Utah, to:
appear at a deposition;
produce documents, electronic records or tangible
things; or
permit inspection of premises, in a county in which I do not reside, am not employed, and do not transact
business in person.
Requires me, a non-resident of Utah, to:
appear at a deposition;
produce documents, electronic records or tangible
things; or
permit inspection of premises in a county other than the county in which I was served.
Requires me to disclose privileged or other protected matter and no exception or waiver applies.____________________
Instructions for (4): If you object to the subpoena for these grounds, you must describe the nature of the document or thing
with sufficient specificity to enable the party or attorney to contest your objection.
Requires me to disclose a trade secret or other confidential research, development, or commercial information.__________
Instructions for (5): If you object to the subpoena for these grounds, you must describe the nature of the document or thing
with sufficient specificity to enable the party or attorney to contest your objection.
Subjects me to an undue burden. ________________________________________________________________________
Requires me to disclose an unretained expert's opinion or information not describing specific events or occurrences in
dispute and resulting from the expert's study that was not made at the request of a party. ___________________________
Certificate of Service
I certify that I served a copy of this Small Claims Objection to Subpoena on the following people.
Person’s Name
Method of Service
Served at this Address
Served on this Date
Hand Delivery
Left at business
(With person in charge.)
(Other Party or Attorney)
Hand Delivery
Salt Lake City Justice Court
(Clerk of Court)
Hand Delivery
Left at business
(With person in charge.)
Hand Delivery
Left at business
(With person in charge.)
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