United States District Court
for the District of Puerto Rico
This form shall be used to register for accounts on the Courts’ Case Management/Electronic Files
(CM/ECF) systems. Registered attorneys and other participants will have privileges both to
electronically submit documents and to view and retrieve electronic docket sheets and documents
as available for all civil and criminal cases in the CM/ECF systems. Attorneys seeking to file
documents electronically must be admitted to practice in the United States District Court for the
District of Puerto Rico or be admitted pro hac vice for a specific case pursuant to Local Rule 83.1.
The following information is required for registration:
First/Middle/Last Name: ______________________________________________________
Last Four Digits of Social Security Number:
Attorney Federal Bar # (District of Puerto Rico):
If admitted pro hac vice, date motion pro hac vice granted:
, for Case No.
Firm Name:
Firm Address:
Voice Phone Number: ________________________________________________________
FAX Phone Number:
Internet ECF E-Mail Address: _________________________________________________
Additional E-Mail Address: ____________________________________________________
Does your E-mail Software support *HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) messages?
No _______
(*Note: Some e-mail software - like Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express & Lotus
Notes -can display messages with special text formatting & graphics as Internet pages. Select
“No” if you prefer to receive e-mails in plain text.)
By submitting this registration form, the undersigned agrees to abide by the following rules:
The systems are for use only in cases designated by the U.S. District Court for the
District of Puerto Rico. The systems may be used to file and view electronic documents,
view docket sheets, and notices.
Each attorney desiring to file pleadings or other papers electronically must complete and
sign an Attorney Registration Form. An attorney/participant’s password issued by the Court
combined with the user’s identification (login), serves as and constitutes the
Revised on February 12, 2014