State of Alabama
Case Number
Unified Judicial System
Form CS-41
Rev. 1/09
IN THE ____________________________ COURT OF __________________COUNTY, ALABAMA
(Circuit or District)
(Name of County)
Plaintiff _____________________________ v.
Defendant _________________________________
I, ____________________________________________, being duly sworn upon my oath, state as follows :
(Name of Affiant)
1. I am the
Other (please specify):_________________ in the above matter.
My Social Security number is:_____________________________________
2. I am
currently employed. My employer’s name and address are:
not currently employed.
My last employer’s name and address are: _______________________________________
Last position title: __________________________________________________________
Average monthly salary in the last year of employment: $ ___________________________
3. My monthly gross income includes:
(For example of income that must be included, see back of this form. If income varies by month, enter the estimated average monthly gross income.)
Employment income
Self-employment income
Other employment-related income
Other non-employment-related income
4. I incur the following amount monthly for work-related
(if none, write “None”)
5. The child(ren) of the parties is/are
not covered by health insurance from me
and/or my employer.
covered by health insurance, and I pay the
following amount monthly for the insurance
(if none, write “None”)
6. I pay the following total amount for
child support
alimony in [a] prior
case(s) as follows:
[List case number(s) and county(ies) and state(s) here]:
$ ______________________________
(if none, write “None”)
I understand that I will be required to maintain all income documentation used in preparing this Income Statement/Affidavit (including
my most recent income-tax return) and that such documentation shall be made available as directed by the court. I also understand
that any intentional falsification of the information presented in this Income Statement/Affidavit may subject me to the penalties of
Sworn to and subscribed before me this ______
day of _______________________, ________