Jackson County Fair 2015
Hunt Seat Equitation Over Fences & Trot-a-Course Entry Form
Hand Deliver ONLY on FAIR REGISTRATION DAY: June 30, 2015 2-7 pm
Jackson County Extension Office, 569 Hanley Rd Hanley Rd, Central Point OR
_____________________________________ Grade_________ Club_______________________
Address ________________________________________________________
City _____________________________ Zip ________
Horse’s Name
_____________________________ Age _____ Breed ________________________
As a high-risk event, jumping at county fair should not be taken casually. If this is your first year
over fences, the trot-a-course is strongly encouraged. It is also suggested that you show one level
below where you are currently schooling. For example, if you have just begun jumping 2’6”, sign up
for the 1’6” – 2’3” class. This will help to insure that you will have a successful, safe and fun equita-
tion over
fences course.
Please check ONE Equitation class (beginning or advanced) and circle whether you are a junior,
intermediate or senior. All may enter trot-a-course in addition to one other over fences class. Only
Intermediates and Seniors who earn 85 or above in 2’3” – 2’9” will be eligible to participate in state
fair jumping. Note: County and state rules do not permit juniors to compete at or above 2’3” (see
Contest Guide).
____ 12” and lower Jr. Int. Sr. Trot-a-course Ribbon class only
____ 1’6” – 2’3” Jr. Int. Sr. Beginning Hunt Seat Equitation Over Fences
____ 2’3” – 2’9” Int. Sr. Advanced Hunt Seat Equitation Over Fences
Required Signatures
Leader and Parent/Guardian: By signing this entry form, I acknowledge that the 4-H member
listed above has been schooling and receiving instruction on a regular basis in hunt seat equitation
over fences and possesses the skills required for the class checked above.
Leader (Mandatory)_______________________________Date___________
Parent/Guardian (Mandatory)________________________Date__________
4-H Member: By signing this entry form, I acknowledge that I have read through the 4-H
Jumping Manual and the applicable Hunt Seat Equitation Over Fences section in the 4-H Contest
4-H Member (Mandatory)___________________________Date__________