Examples Of Onomatopoeia Worksheet Page 2


21. __________________, the key turned in the lock and the door opened.
22. ___________________ went the guest's glasses after the wedding toast.
23. "_______________, ___________" sounded the hen as she looked pecked about for her breakfast.
24. "________________, ______________" went the cowboy's whip at the rodeo.
25. There was a _____________ of burning leaves as the bonfire was lit.
26. The boy crushed the soda can with a loud ________________!
27. "________________, ______________" cried the cuckoo bird.
28. ________________, _______________ (two different sounds) rang the doorbell.
29. Mary could hear the _______________ of the leaky kitchen tap.
30. "____________! I see a mouse!"
31. He could hear the mouth-watering ______________of the soda bubbles popping when he poured the drink
into the glass.
32. ___________________ on went the light switch.
33. There was a great ______________ of bird wings when the cat entered the garden.
34. The dog made a menacing low __________________as the stranger came closer.
35. She could hear her baby happily ______________ to himself while lying in his crib.
36. As much as the boy tried not to, he could not help but let out another _____________!
37. There was a ___________ from the bike tire as it went flat from the puncture.
38. "_____________, _____________” went the goose as she chased the boy away from her nest.
39. "___________________, I do not understand, please tell me again!"
40. In the spring, the __________ of bees busily working filled the air.
41. There was the familiar jingle _____________ of keys before he unlocked the door.
42. There was a lovely ______________of chimes as the wind blew them together.
43. A sharp _______________on the door startled the old man as he dozed in the afternoon.
44. Around dinnertime, you could hear the cat ______________for food.
45. The cow let out a large __________________ when calling her calf.
46. There was a definite lack of sincerity as the boy ________________ out his apologies.
47. There was a low ___________________ as the men talked quietly together
48. The horse let out a happy ________________ as his owner approached.
49. "_____________ _____________" went the farmer's pig.
50. "_____________, that hurt!" said the girl as she banged her toe.
51. "__________" that must have hurt said the boy.
52. “___________________!" said John with relief when he found the watch that he had lost.
53. ____________ ___________ ____________ the hailstones landed on the old tin roof.
54. The rock landed in the water with a big _______________!
55. The aluminum bat gave off a ____________________ when it hit the baseball.
56. The cork blew out of the Champagne bottle with a loud ___________!


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