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(Article 6 is applicable only to domestic corporations, for profit.)
("X" only one box for each corporation.)
Plan of merger was approved, (a) as to each corporation not incorporated in Illinois, incomplicance with the laws of
the state under which it is incoporated and (b) as to each Illinois corporation as follows:
By the shareholders, a reso-
lution of the board of direc-
By written consent of the
tors having been duly
shareholders having not
adopted and submitted to a
less than the minimum
vote at a meeting of share-
number of votes required
By written consent
holders. Not less than the
by statute and by the ar-
of ALL the share-
minimum number of votes
ticles of incorporation.
holders entitled to
required by statute and by
Shareholders who have
vote on the action,
the articles of incorporation
not consented in writing
in accordance with
voted in favor of the action
have been given notice in
§ 7.10 & § 11.20 of
accordance with § 7.10.
the BCA.
(§ 11.20 of the BCA)
(§ 11.20 of the BCA)
Name of Corporation
(Complete this item if reporting a merger under § 11.30—90% owned subsidiary provisions.)
The number of outstanding shares of each class of each merging subsidiary corporation and the number of such
shares of each class owned immediately prior to the adoption of the plan of merger by the parent corporation are:
Total Number of Shares
Number of Shares of Each Class
Owned Immediately Prior to
Name of Corporation
of Each Class
Merger by the Parent Corporation
The date of mailing a copy of the plan of merger and notice of the right to dissent to the shareholders of each merging
subsidiary corporation was _____________________ , ___________ .
(Month & Day)
Was written consent for the merger or written waiver of the 30-day period by the holders of all the outstanding shares
of all subsidiary corporations received?
(If the answer is "No," the duplicate copies of the Articles of Merger may not be delivered to the Secretary of State
until after 30 days following the mailing of a copy of the plan of merger and of the notice of the right to dissent to
the shareholders of each merging subsidiary corporation.)


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