Sample Activity Chart Start Behavior Page 4


some of the issues related to ADHD. He now remembers his homework, cleans his room, and even waters the cats! I am so very
proud and impressed with his effort. I knew that he could do it! Child #2 has a chart with some of the same basics like “Brush Teeth”
but we’ve also incorporated tasks like “pick up toys” and “take a bath”. Some behaviors that would seem to be expected for most kids
but for him they are much more desirable now because he understands that there is a reward coming. He can see his progress and
know that he will be able to buy something with his earnings. He amazes me – he always has. Child #3 is still quite a challenge. We
have not experienced a whole lot of success with her. She is very obstinate and still ignores us (my husband is now “on board” with the
program to help me). She still hits no matter what the consequences are.
I have decided that this program was definitely worth our effort and dedication. Child #1 and Child #2 are proof that it is magic when
you set your mind to follow Dr. Phelan’s words. Child #3 is just going to take a little more effort. We have decided to sit down and re-
view the videos and re-read the book. We are going to make this work. Dr. Phelan gives options and suggestions for children just like
her. I am confident that we can see the same success with her as we have seen from our other two children.
Dr. Phelan’s series “1-2-3 Magic” and “More 1-2-3 Magic” are well worth the price, the effort and the time involved in making it all
happen. The only thing that I would change would be that I might have started the program years ago. I found the program to be easy
to understand and even easier to follow. The program includes real-life scenarios and even some comic relief for those of who really
need to laugh. If you’ve been considering any type of behavior modification program, I would highly recommend that you pick up a
copy of his video 1-2-3 Magic: Managing Difficult Behavior in Children 2-12 to test the waters. The only ways that you can go wrong
with this program are either a) to be unwilling to follow his simple instruction or b) to not purchase the program at all.
Good luck to anyone looking for something better. There is help out there.
Jackie D. Igafo-Te’o
Jackie D. Igafo-Te’o (
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