2009 City Business Income Tax Return
City of Hamilton Income Tax Division
Hamilton .................. 2.00 %
345 High St., Ste. 310 Hamilton, OH 45011
New Miami .............. 1.75 %
Use A Separate Form for Each City
513 785-7400
West Milton ............. 1.50 %
Toll Free: 1- 800 854-1684
Eaton ....................... 1.50 %
Calendar Year Taxpayers Return and Payment Due On or Before April 15, 2010.
513 785-7401
Phillipsburg.............. 1.50 %
Fiscal and Partial Years, Due Within Three and One Half (3½) Months of End of the Period.
JEDD I ..................... 2.00 %
BC Annex ................ 2.00 %
Other Taxable Year Period: Beginning _________
Ending__________ 20___
JEDD II .................... 2.00 %
Account #:
Taxpayer Name and Address:
No Did You File a Return for 2008?
No May Our Office Discuss this Return with the Preparer?
Part Time Liability - If Liable for Only Part of Year, Give Dates:
Filing Status:
From: ____________ To:___________
Provide Reason:
Check Here if Account Should Be Inactivated. Provide Reason:
Federal ID#:
__________ - ______________________
(Trusts and Estates)
2009 City Business Income Tax Return
For Explanation and Requirements of Tax Return and Declaration See Instructions (Separate Document)
For Office Use Only
1. Adjusted Federal Taxable Income (Attach Copy of Federal Return) From Form____________Line_____________...... $______________ 1
$ _____________
2. Adjustments (Total from Schedule X) ................................................................................................................................. $______________ 2
$ _____________
3. A. Adjusted Net Income (Line 1 Plus or Minus Line 2)...................................................................................................... $______________ 3A $ _____________
B. Amount of 3A Apportioned (_________________________% From Schedule Y Step 5) ......................................... $______________ 3B $ _____________
C. Less Allocable Loss Per Previous Income Tax Return (Submit Schedule) (See Instructions)..................................... $______________ 3C $ _____________
4. Amount Subject to ________________________ Municipal Income Tax (Line 3A or 3B Less Line 3C).......................... $______________ 4
$ _____________
5. Tax (Multiply Line 4 Times
%)..................................................................................................................................... $______________ 5
$ _____________
6. 2009 Estimated Tax Paid This Municipality Including Previous Year Overpayment .......................................................... $______________ 6
$ _____________
7. 2009 Net Tax Due (Line 5 Minus Line 6)......................................................................................................................... $______________ 7
$ _____________
For Office Use Only
$ _____________
_________________ + __________________ + __________________ =
$ _____________
Penalty & Interest
Late Filing Fee
Failure To Pay Estimate
8. If Line 7 is Negative, Your Tax Liability for 2009 Is Overpaid, Choose:
A. Credit Carryover to 2010 Estimate (Carry to Line 11) .................................................................................................. $______________ 8A $ _____________
B. Refund........................................................................................................................................................................... $______________ 8B $ _____________
2010 Declaration of Estimated Income Tax
9. Estimated Income Subject To Tax ...................................................................................................................................... $______________ 9
$ _____________
10. Tax (Multiply Line 9 Times
%)..................................................................................................................................... $______________ 10
$ _____________
11. Credit Carryover from 2009 (Carried From Line 8A) .......................................................................................................... $______________ 11
$ _____________
12. Balance of Tax Declared for 2010 (Line 10 Minus Line 11)................................................................................................ $______________ 12
$ _____________
13. Amount Paid With This Return (Not Less Than 25% Of Line 10 Minus Credits From 11) ......................................... $______________ 13
$ _____________
14. TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (TOTAL OF LINE 7 & 13) ...................................... Make Check Payable To: City of Hamilton $______________ 14
$ _____________
Amounts less than One Dollar ($1.00) will not be collected, refunded or credited. Pay tax timely to avoid assessments.
Unless Accompanied By Copies of All Appropriate Federal
Filed Returns are Subject to Review, which May Result in the Issuance of:
Schedules and By Payment of the Total Amount Due
• A Billing Letter Detailing Additional Tax & Assessments Due
This Form is Not a Legal Final Return.
• A Letter Requesting Additional Information
Extension Policy: A copy of the federal extension must be submitted to the City of Hamilton Income Tax Division by the original due date of the return and be
accompanied by full payment. Only Those Extension Requests Received In Duplicate With A Self-Addressed, Postpaid Envelope Will Have A Copy Returned
After Being Appropriately Marked.
Signature of Person Preparing if Other Than Taxpayer
Signature of Taxpayer or Agent
Print Name of Person Preparing if Other Than Taxpayer
Print Name of Taxpayer or Agent
________________________ __________________________
_______________________ _________________________
Daytime Phone #
Daytime Phone #
I Certify That I Have Examined This Return (Including Accompanying Schedules And Statements) And To The Best Of My Knowledge And Belief It Is True,
Correct And Complete. If Prepared By A Person Other Than Taxpayer, The Declaration Is Based On All Information Of Which Preparer Has Any Knowledge.