In-Year Common Application Form Page 2


3. Children in Care / Previously in care
If the child is or has been in the care of a local authority please say which:
Social workers name:
Phone number:
Please also provide a letter from the social worker confirming the legal status of the child and name of the local authority the child is / was
in the care of. The letter should also provide the reasons for the preferences for the schools listed.
4. Non - UK applicants
Which country was the child born in?
Date of entry to the UK:
Is the child in the country now?
Child’s first language:
Has your child ever studied english?
If “yes” for how long:
5. School preferences
Note 1. Please write the name and borough of up to four different schools you want to apply for. You must list the schools in the order you
prefer them. You must list all schools or academies (not private schools) you are applying for.
Note 2. Please include the name, date of birth and sex of any relevant sibling (brother or sister) who is already at a school you are applying
for. ‘Sibling’ includes a full, half, step, adopted or long-term fostered brother or sister living at the same address and currently at the school.
Note 3. If you want to give reasons for your preference for any school, please use the section provided. These might include religious,
philosophical or any other reasons. If you think there are exceptional medical or social reasons why your child should go to a particular
school, you must provide evidence with this application that is supported by a professional (such as a doctor’s report). It is very important
that you check the admission criteria (arrangements) of each school you are applying for to see if your child can be given priority. Please
remember that we only offer places in line with the published admission criteria for each of the schools you list below and not your reasons
for wanting that school, unless the schools accept social and medical reasons.
School Name (see note 1 above)
Sibling’s details (see note 2 above)
Reasons (see note 3 above)
Preference 1
Preference 2
Preference 3
Preference 4
Would you prefer your child to continue going to their current school if we cannot
offer you one of your preferences listed?
6. Parent / Carer Details (if you wish for the application to be discussed with any other person
please attach details to the form stating their name, relationship and contact details)
First name:
Last name:
Your relationship to child? Mother
Other family member
Please specify ________________________________
If you are not the child’s natural parent, please attach documentary evidence that you are the guardian and have parental
responsibility for the child named in Section 1
Email Address:
Home phone :
Your signature:
Havering Council will handle information you have provided in line with the Data Protection Act (DPA) and will be used for school admission purposes. The information will be held
in confidence with only the necessary people working within the combined children’s services able to access and handle it. The Council has a duty under the Children Act 2004 to
work with partners to develop and improve services to children and young people in the area. As such, the Council may also use this information for other legitimate purposes and
may share information (where necessary) with other Council departments and external bodies responsible for administering services to children and young people. For the
purpose of validating proof of address the admissions team may refer to data help by Council Tax records. The Council also has a duty to protect the public funds it administers,
and to this end it may use the information you have provided on this form for the prevention and detection of fraud. Under the DPA you have the right to make a formal written
request for access to personal data held about you or your child. For further information please contact the School Admissions Team


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