City of Adrian
Utilities Department
135 E. Maumee Street
Adrian, Michigan 49221
(517) 264-4821 Fax
(517) 266-4693
Non-Residential Water and Sewer Customer Application for Service
The purpose of this document is to screen applicants for water and sewer service for the following: assurance size of service is
adequate; determine impact fees and tap fees; determination if a water backflow device is needed; determination if an Industrial
Pretreatment Permit is needed; determination of applicable Non-Residential Charge; determination if a pre-treatment device is needed.
1. Facility Name
Account Number
2. Property Address
3. Mailing Address (if different from above)
4. Name/Title of Authorized Representative of Facility
5. Contact Person (if different from above)
6. Brief Description of Operation
7. Will there be an irrigation system?
Yes No
8. Will the facility use a grease trap?
(restaurants only)
Yes No
9. Will there be any discharges into the sanitary sewers other than from a restroom facility at this location?
Yes No
10. If “yes”, briefly describe the process(es) at this facility that has a discharge.
11. Are there any uses of water other than typical residential use?
Yes No
12. If “yes”, briefly describe water process(es).
13. Size of Service Requested:
1 ½”
(Please circle)
14. Will there be fire suppression equipment?
Yes No If “Yes”, how many connections?
15. Will there be any fire hydrants?
Yes No If “Yes” how many?
16. If you answered “no” to questions 8 and 9, you may sign and date this form and return it to the Utilities Department.
17. If applicable, list Standard Industrial Classification(s) (SIC) at this facility.
18. Source of supply water to facility:
City of Adrian
19. Are roof drains connected to the Storm Sewer Sanitary Sewer Do Not Know
20. Are floor drains connected to the Storm Sewer Sanitary Sewer Do Not Know
21. Disposal Practices A) How are spent (used) chemicals disposed of at this facility?
B) How do you dispose of spoilage?
Certification Statement “I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or
supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information
submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering
the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that
there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing
Signature____________________________________Title________________________________________ Date_________________
Note: Payment of impact fee and tap fee is required prior to building permit issuance. Applicants requiring Industrial Pre-Treatment
Applications will not be approved until after submittal and review of application.
For Office Use Only
Water Service Size_____ Water Impact Fee________ Water Tap Fee_________ Sewer Service Size ____Sewer Impact Fee_________
Fire Service Connection Fee__________Total Fees____________Backflow Device Required
Pretreatment Device Required
The City of Adrian reserves the right to determine type and location of required Backflow devices or pretreatment devices.
Approved by: Chief Chemist__________ Office Mgr__________ Distribution/Collection__________ Utilities Director___________