Instructions For Form 1040-Ss - U.s. Self-Employment Tax Return (Including The Additional Child Tax Credit For Bona Fide Residents Of Puerto Rico) - Internal Revenue Service - 2005


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Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Instructions for Form
U.S. Self-Employment Tax Return (Including the Additional Child Tax Credit for
Bona Fide Residents of Puerto Rico)
instructions beginning on page 3 for
General Instructions
Additional Information
Part I, line 5).
Section references are to the Internal
See the instructions for Schedules C
Claim excess social security tax
and F (Form 1040) for information on
Revenue Code.
business and farm income and
Claim the additional child tax credit
What’s New
expenses. Also, see Pub. 334, Tax
(bona fide residents of Puerto Rico
Guide for Small Business, and Pub.
For 2005, the maximum amount of
225, Farmer’s Tax Guide.
Claim the health coverage tax credit
self-employment income subject to
(bona fide residents of Puerto Rico
social security tax is $90,000.
For details on 2005 tax law changes,
The rules for determining whether
see Pub. 553, Highlights of 2005 Tax
you are a bona fide resident of a
When To File
possession have changed. For details,
If you expect to owe SE tax of
see Pub. 570, Tax Guide for Individuals
If you file on a calendar year basis, file
$1,000 or more for 2006, you may have
With Income From U.S. Possessions.
by April 17, 2006. If you file on a fiscal
to make estimated tax payments. Use
year basis, file by the 15th day of the
Form 1040-ES, Estimated Tax for
Purpose of Form
4th month after the close of your fiscal
Individuals, to make estimated tax
Residents of the Virgin Islands, Guam,
American Samoa, the Commonwealth
Where To File
of the Northern Mariana Islands, and
Who Must File
the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico use
Internal Revenue Service Center,
You must file Form 1040-SS if:
Form 1040-SS to:
Philadelphia, PA 19255-0215.
Report net earnings from
1. You, or your spouse if filing a
self-employment and pay
Amount You Owe
joint return, had net earnings from
self-employment (SE) tax. The Social
self-employment (from other than
Enclose your check or money order for
Security Administration (SSA) uses this
church employee income) of $400 or
the full amount with Form 1040-SS.
information to figure your benefits under
more (or you had church employee
Make it payable to the “United States
the social security program. SE tax
income of $108.28 or more — see
Treasury.” Do not send cash. Enter
applies no matter how old you are and
Church Employees on page 2); and
“2005 Form 1040-SS” and your name,
even if you already are receiving social
2. You do not have to file Form
address, daytime phone number, and
security or Medicare benefits.
1040 with the United States; and
social security number (SSN) on your
Report and pay household
3. You are a resident of:
payment. If you are filing a joint return,
employment taxes.
a. Guam,
enter the SSN shown first on your Form
Report and pay employee social
b. American Samoa,
security and Medicare tax on
c. The Virgin Islands,
To help process your payment, enter
unreported tips or uncollected social
d. The CNMI, or
the amount on the right side of the
security and Medicare tax on tips or
e. Puerto Rico. (You may file either
check like this: $ XXX.XX. Do not use
group-term life insurance (see the
Form 1040-PR or Form 1040-SS.)
dashes or lines (for example, do not
instructions beginning on page 3 for
enter “$ XXX – ” or “$ XXX
Part I, line 5).
Even if you have a loss or little
Claim excess social security tax
Third Party Designee
income from self-employment, it
may benefit you to file Form
Claim the additional child tax credit
If you want to allow a friend, family
1040-SS and use either ‘‘optional
(bona fide residents of Puerto Rico
member, or any other person you
method’’ in Part VI. See page 6.
choose to discuss your 2005 tax return
Claim the health coverage tax credit
If (2) and (3) above apply, you also
with the IRS, check the “Yes” box in the
(bona fide residents of Puerto Rico
must file Form 1040-SS (or Form
Third Party Designee area on page 1 of
1040-PR in Spanish if you are a
Form 1040-SS. Also enter the
You may also be required to file an
resident of Puerto Rico) to:
designee’s name, phone number, and
income tax return with the government
Report and pay household
any five numbers the designee chooses
of Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin
employment taxes.
as his or her personal identification
Islands, the Commonwealth of the
Report and pay employee social
number (PIN). But if you want to allow
Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), or
security and Medicare tax on
the paid preparer who signed your
the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
unreported tips or uncollected social
return to discuss it with the IRS, just
(Puerto Rico). Check with your local tax
security and Medicare tax on tips or
enter “Preparer” in the space for the
office for more details.
group-term life insurance (see the
designee’s name. You do not have to
Cat. No. 26341Y


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