Southern Minnesota Regional Science & Engineering Fair Page 2


Southern Minnesota Regional Science & Engineering Fair Criteria
Elementary Fair Scientific Method Form
Do NOT give this SCORE sheet back to the student. Awards judging is conducted using a 100-point scale with
points assigned to Research Question, Design & Methodology, Execution (Data Collection, Analysis and
Interpretation), Creativity, and Presentation (Poster and Interview).
Student name(s): ________________________________________________
Project #: _______ Grade: _______ Judge Initials: ______ Judging Team: ______
I. Research Question (10 pts)
___ Student provides a clear and definable research question and/or problem statement.
___ Research question and/or problem statement is based on solid reasoning and foundations.
___ Student(s) understands/relates question/statement to real issues and challenges.
II. Design and Methodology (15 pts)
___ Methods are appropriate to address question/statement from above.
___ Student can identify variables and controls.
___ Methods are within the student’s capacity and resources.
III. Execution: Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation (20 pts)
___ Data collected were appropriate to address the student’s question/statement.
___ Methods could be replicated by someone else.
___ Sufficient data collected to support interpretation and conclusions.
IV. Creativity (20 pts)
___ Project demonstrated significant creativity in one or more of the above criteria.
V. Presentation (35 pts)
a. Poster (10 pts)
___ Display was organized in a logical and/or creatively effective way.
___ Graphs, Tables, Figures, etc… are clear and used appropriately.
___ Display is aesthetically pleasing and easy to read.
b. Interview (25 pts)
___ Students provided thoughtful and enthusiastic responses to questions.
___ Student has an understanding of basic science relevant to project.
___ Student understands interpretation and limitations of results and conclusions.
___ Evidence supports independence in conducting project (outside assistance is not excessive).
___ Student recognizes the potential impact in science, society and/or economics of the project.
___ Student provides quality ideas for further research.
___ For team projects, contributions to and understanding of project is provided by all members.
_____ TOTAL
Purple Ribbon= 85-100
Blue Ribbon= 70-84
Red Ribbon= 0-69


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